Mohamad Ibrahim
Shnewer, one of the 6 men arrested for the alleged plot to attack Fort Dix, is a cab driver in Philadelphia.
It's a safe bet that better than half of the
cabbies in this country are of the Islamic faith. I would also be willing to bet that of all the Muslims living in this country, the majority that are not doctors or studying medicine have driven a cab at least at some point in time.
I've tried hard to block this thought, but I can't help but wonder. Why do they drive cab? Many of them are highly
intelligent. Surely they could find a job that pays a lot better and not requiring the hours involved in order to make a living.
Just let your mind wonder just a bit. We know that there is at least one radical Muslim operating a cab in this country. Any bets that there are just a few more? Cab drivers have access to places that the average motorist does not. Many airports have taxis staged well within the range of a stinger
missile aimed at an airplane that's either on the runway or taxiing to the terminal.
I know first hand that cabs in more than one
Las Vegas property are staged in a tunnel directly underneath that particular property. A car bomb detonating in one of those areas could make for a real mess.
I shudder of the thought that more than a few
cabbies in New York City are likely radicals.
Here in Corpus, there are few if any cab drivers of the Muslim faith that I'm aware of. I'm surprised, because this
aint a bad place to drive a cab. However, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Houston and Austin are loaded with them.
Keep in mind this is just my imagination
runnin' wild. Let's just say I wasn't surprised very much by the news from New Jersey.