Before you go any further, read this... defines a redneck as:

1. an uneducated white farm laborer, esp. from the South.

2. a bigot or reactionary, esp. from the rural working class.

It goes on to say that redneck is A slang term, usually for a rural white southerner who is politically conservative, racist, and a religious fundamentalist. This term is generally considered offensive. It originated in reference to agricultural workers, alluding to how the back of a person's neck will be burned by the sun if he works long hours in the fields.

While I can't say all that fits me to a tee, a lot of it is pretty damn close.

You see, I lost both my parents before I turned 12 years old. I bounced around in a couple of foster homes before moving in with my uncle when I tuned 15. By age 17, I was on my own. I dropped out of school half way through 11th grade so I could go to work full time. Three months after my 18th birthday, I got behind the wheel of a cab for the first time.

I've learned more about life in 28 years in a hack than any philosopher ever could know. I've had multi-million dollar businessmen, celebrities and pro athletes as well as crack whores, drug dealers and murderers in my cab. I refuse to be an airport jockey or one of those guys that only stages at the hotels, so unfortunately, I have to deal with more of the bottom feeders of life than I do the upper crust.

It is the dealings that I've had the bad apples that has made me what I am today...

The Redneck Cabbie.

You see, to escape the madness of the city streets, my mind drifts off (not while I'm driving) to a quiet country town. A place where everyone knows everyone, and a man's handshake is as binding a contract as a person needs. A place where friends gather to down a couple of cold ones and listen to music that you can actually understand the words.

A place where young men don't walk around with their pants falling down over their ass, and young ladies don't have to dress like sluts to draw a man's attention.

I think you get the picture. I know, boring as whale shit to most city folks. I'd be living in a town just like that if it weren't for the fact that there's just not much demand for my line of work in most small towns.

This blog will reflect these feelings. If I seem a little bitter now and then, its just because that wonderful little town is nowhere in my near future, and because the life expectancy of someone in my line of work doesn't extend much past retirement age, all I can do is dream about it.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Here we go again... Local law enforcement will be working overtime (or so they say) making sure that you a buckled up. In my opinion, there is not a more intrusive law on the books anywhere in this country.

Don't get me wrong, seat belt use is a great idea. I even buy into the idea that it can save lives.

I also think it's a good idea not to eat raw chicken. I don't see any laws pertaining to that...


What would get me on board...

If the insurance companies would refuse to pay injury claims if it was determined that the claimant was not wearing a seat belt.

Otherwise, it's just another law designed to generate revenue.

Meanwhile, law enforcement remains helpless in matters of far more importance.

My personality psychobabble

Took the 15 minute test... See if you agreee.

Friday, May 18, 2007

I took the little test to see where I sit politically. Just as I figured, I'm right in the middle. Although, as you see, I do lean to the libertarian side.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

I doubt this will get a second look

The following is an e-mail sent to Mathew Daus, Commissioner, New Your City Taxi and Limo Commission.

Dear Commissioner,

It is my opinion that in light of the growing concern over cab drivers with ties to radical Islamic groups, that a strong review of current licence holders as well as new applicants be put in place immedetly.

I would also strongly suggest that any driver that is in this country on a green card or work visa that is from a country with known ties to terrorism have his permit suspended until a thorough, evasive background check is completed.

I was a recent visitor to NYC. As I'm in the industry myself, I took more than a few cab rides. I know you have many good drivers that are not originally from this country. However, I've driven cab in cities that have a large amount of Muslim drivers, and I can tell you that their disdain for this country is very evident.

Thank you for your time.
John Shannon

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I've been worried about this for a while

Apparently, Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer, one of the 6 men arrested for the alleged plot to attack Fort Dix, is a cab driver in Philadelphia.

It's a safe bet that better than half of the cabbies in this country are of the Islamic faith. I would also be willing to bet that of all the Muslims living in this country, the majority that are not doctors or studying medicine have driven a cab at least at some point in time.

I've tried hard to block this thought, but I can't help but wonder. Why do they drive cab? Many of them are highly intelligent. Surely they could find a job that pays a lot better and not requiring the hours involved in order to make a living.

Just let your mind wonder just a bit. We know that there is at least one radical Muslim operating a cab in this country. Any bets that there are just a few more? Cab drivers have access to places that the average motorist does not. Many airports have taxis staged well within the range of a stinger missile aimed at an airplane that's either on the runway or taxiing to the terminal.

I know first hand that cabs in more than one Las Vegas property are staged in a tunnel directly underneath that particular property. A car bomb detonating in one of those areas could make for a real mess.

I shudder of the thought that more than a few cabbies in New York City are likely radicals.

Here in Corpus, there are few if any cab drivers of the Muslim faith that I'm aware of. I'm surprised, because this aint a bad place to drive a cab. However, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Houston and Austin are loaded with them.

Keep in mind this is just my imagination runnin' wild. Let's just say I wasn't surprised very much by the news from New Jersey.

Monday, May 7, 2007

No... I'm not a cop hater.

So... New Jersey Governor, Jon Corzine felt the need to apologise for not wearing a seatbelt on the day of that horrific accident that almost took his life. I don't feel an apology was necessary, but that's a different story.

What was not addressed anywhere that I saw in the mainstream media, was the fact that the state trooper, the same guy that would tag some poor schmuck for 5 over, was going over 90 miles per hour, and was operating his cell phone, according to various reports.

Why was there not more made over this? While Corzine is pandering to some group that filed a complaint about his "setting a bad example," nobody has said boo about the trooper's extremely reckless driving. In my opinion, it was the trooper who set the poor example.

I see it a lot here in Corpus Christi. Local cops buzz around this town at breakneck speed without lights and/or siren on a routine basis. I have a tendency to get out of the way of anyone driving that stupid, but more inexperienced drivers have a tendency to freeze up or panic when the see someone flying up on them. I don't think cops should be above the law where safe driving is concerned. If they're on the way to a call, flip on the lights.

Your fellow motorists would greatly appreciate it.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Airport adds foot basins for Muslim cabbies

(This story was taken from a cabbie website in Las Vegas. I'm not sure where the contributor got it.)

Airport adds foot basins for Muslim cabbies

Police worry about Kansas City 'catering' to Islamic rituals

The Kansas City International Airport has added several foot-washing basins in restrooms to accommodate a growing number of Muslim taxicab drivers who requested the facilities to prepare for daily Islamic prayer.

The move concerns airport police who worry about Middle Eastern men loitering inside the building. After 9/11, the airport beefed up its police force to help prevent terrorist attacks.

"Why are we constructing places of worship for them inside our airports?" said an airport official who requested anonymity. "Why are we catering to their rituals? We don't do it for any other religion."

Other major airports also are dealing with increased demands from Muslim cabdrivers.

For instance, cabbies at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport recently caused a stir when they refused to carry passengers possessing alcoholic beverages or accompanied by seeing-eye dogs. Alcohol is forbidden in Islam, and dogs are considered unclean.

There are approximately 250 taxicab drivers operating at KCI Airport in Missouri, one of the largest airports in the U.S., linking some 10 million passengers between mid-America and other U.S. cities. Approximately 70 percent of the drivers are of Middle Eastern heritage and practice the Islamic faith, sources say.

KCI Airport Police are responsible for the cab drivers, including the holding areas of the building. The KCI Aviation Department, which oversees the police, recently expanded the taxicab facility restroom area to include the construction of four individual foot-washing benches.

The cost of the project is not immediately known. A spokeswoman for the engineering department said she could not break out the figures.

KCI Airport Police Capt. Jim Harmon declined comment, explaining, "This is a touchy subject."

He referred questions to the KCI Aviation Department.

In a cleansing ritual known as ablution, Muslims are required to wash their feet before praying to Allah five times a day. They often complain that public restroom sinks do not accommodate their needs. Floor-level basins make it easier for them to perform their foot-washing ritual.


We had a few Somalli drivers back in St. Paul. They would use a corner wall near the front door of a fancy hotel to pray. They got to the point where they left a chair cushion and other items to mark their little spot as a prayer wall. After a couple of weeks, I'd seen enough. The Somalli cab drivers couldn't be bothered to take a passenger until they were done praying. I took a squirt bottle, loaded only water, and dampened the area to make it apear that someone had cut wiz on their precious wall. Needless to say, the ritual ceased.